Browsing Titles 1 to 10 of 40 in Subject Category Bible Characters

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Abigail (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Lois T. Henderson
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Romance
Read by: Wayne Pederson
Approximate time: 6 hours 24 minutes
Catalog number: 203
Based on 1 and 2 Samuel, this fictionalized account tells the dramatic story of a woman who eventually became the wife of King David. The author adheres to the biblical accounts for the basic facts but uses her rich imagination to develop this character and what may have happened in the life of her son.

Bad Girls of the Bible, and What We Can Learn from Them (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Liz Curtis Higgs
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Humour
Read by: Hazel Steiner
Approximate time: 7 hours 31 minutes
Catalog number: 983
In Bad Girls of the Bible, author Liz Curtis Higgs offers a clear-sighted, life-changing approach to understanding those other women in Scripture -- such as Delilah, Jezebel, Rahab, Lot's wife, and others. Liz combines a contemporary retelling of their stories with a solid, verse-by-verse study of their lives and the lessons we can learn from them. Whether they were Bad to the Bone, Bad for a Moment, or Bad for a Season but Not Forever, these infamous sisters show us how not to handle the challenges of life. With her trademark humor and heartfelt encouragement, Liz Curtis Higgs teaches us how to avoid their tragic mistakes and joyfully embrace God's grace. An American reading of ADB974.

Beyond Reason: How Miracles Can Change Your Life (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Pat Robertson and William Proctor
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Inspirational, Miracles, Prayer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 18 minutes
Catalog number: 997
Presents real-life accounts of God's miraculous intervention in times of suffering and despair and explains how individuals can experience miracles in their own lives.

Bible Characters and Doctrines: Joseph to Moses, God in His World (Audio DAISY Book)

By: E. M. Blaiklock and Arthur E. Campbell
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Doctrine and Theology, New Testament, Old Testament
Read by: Pat Clark
Approximate time: 6 hours 13 minutes
Catalog number: 933/TORCH-1803D (part of the Torch collection)
This book provides studies of the major personalities and doctrines of the Bible. It could be used for daily Bible study.

Called to Pray: How to Be a Prayer Warrior (Audio DAISY Book)

By: DR. Wim Malgo
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Doctrine and Theology, Prayer
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 2 hours 50 minutes
Catalog number: 671
What is the reason that prayer is important? How do we effectively pray, not only for ourselves and our families, but for the rest of the things that concern us? Dr Wim Malgo gives clear biblical direction, showing the victory wrought through prayer.

Changed into His Likeness (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Watchman Nee
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Study
Read by: Sidney Clark
Approximate time: 7 hours 11 minutes
Catalog number: 818/TORCH-1816D (part of the Torch collection)
The search for reality - taking the lives and experiences of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as examples.

Characters Around the Cradle, Witnesses to the Greatest Story Ever Told (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Tom Houston
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Christmas stories, Jesus Christ, Study
Read by: Barbara Adderkin
Approximate time: 6 hours 40 minutes
Catalog number: 859/TORCH-5203D (part of the Torch collection)
Familiar with the Christmas Story? We can miss the extraordinary human drama surrounding the most remarkable event this world has witnessed. Marvel at the way personal details & great political movements combine to demonstrate God's sovereign control.

Characters Around the Cross (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Tom Houston
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Christian Growth, Jesus Christ, Study
Read by: Harry Harrison
Approximate time: 5 hours 6 minutes
Catalog number: 781/TORCH-457D (part of the Torch collection)
The author brings us face to face with those who played key roles during the crucifixion, examining Peter, Herod, Caiaphas, Judas and others. What were their motives? How had their characters been formed?

Children of the Living God (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Sinclair B. Ferguson
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Jesus Christ
Read by: Pat Clark
Approximate time: 6 hours 8 minutes
Catalog number: 743/TORCH-1061D (part of the Torch collection)
Jesus taught His disciples to call God 'Our Father', and to live as members of His family.

Come See the Place (Audio DAISY Book)

By: L. A. T. Van Dooren
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Israel, Jerusalem, Jesus Christ, Study
Read by: Eric Shore
Approximate time: 4 hours 5 minutes
Catalog number: 923/TORCH-2542D (part of the Torch collection)
Come and See many of the Places of importance during our Lord's sojourn on Earth. You will make a Pilgrimage in Thought through this book to the Land of the Master. If you accept this pilgrimage invitation to come with the author on a journey to the Land of the Master, you will visit places familiar by name and be reminded of events that happened long ago.


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