Welcome to BrailleAudio, "Where Blind People Read!"
BrailleAudio is an interdenominational Christian resource library consisting of books, teachings, and other materials in Braille and DAISY audio formats. We provide the material as downloadable files to our members:
- As accessible methods of reading for those who are blind, partially sighted, or otherwise print disabled, to build their Christian faith, growth, work, and witness;
- As an educational resource for those who want to learn more about the Christian faith; and
- As a home to those who simply like to read.
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Hopeless? Never! (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Kay Golbeck and Irene Burk Harrell
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Living, Evangelism
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 43 minutes
Catalog number: 81
Kay Golbeck shares her work as a chaplin in a women's prison. God moved in marvelous ways, transforming lives.
I'm Gonna Bury You (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Gene Neill
Type: Non-fiction
Subject category: Biography and Autobiography
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 29 minutes
Catalog number: 93
This is a five-star autobiography of Gene Neill, Miami mafia lawyer, who got a fifty-year sentence and met the Lord Jesus Christ
in an underground solitary cell in Springfield Federal Penitentiary.
After he was miraculously released from prison he spent the next forty years traveling the World telling everyone who would listen what Christ did in his life. It will touch the coldest heart and bless anyone who reads it.
The Seven Last Years (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Carol Balizet
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: End Times and Prophecy, Novel, Suspense
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 14 hours 26 minutes
Catalog number: 1055
What will the End Times be like? The fictional account presented in The Seven Last Years offers some startling glimpses!
Shout It from the Housetops (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Pat Robertson and Jamie Buckingham
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 49 minutes
Catalog number: 1056
Founder of the world's first and most influential Christian television network, host of The 700 Club for over 30 years, former presidential candidate, founder of both the Christian Coalition and the American Center for Law and Justice, and unchallenged leader of the "Christian Right," Pat Robertson is an important figure by anyone's standard. Pat's own words about how it all began are an irresistible and unforgettable reading experience.
Paul for Everyone: the Prison Letters, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon (Audio DAISY Book)
Book 14 in series For Everyone
By: Tom Wright
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, New Testament
Read by: Ralph Bennett
Approximate time: 9 hours 51 minutes
Catalog number: 1039/TORCH-7391D (part of the Torch collection)
Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright captures the verve and sparkle of these letters. The series is numbered in New Testament book order.
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So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.(2Corinthians 9:7 NKJV)