Browsing Titles 1 to 10 of 87 in Subject Category Bible Commentary

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Act It Out - the Letter of James, Today's Good News (Audio DAISY Book)

By: David Field
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living
Read by: Jill Wightwick
Approximate time: 3 hours 27 minutes
Catalog number: 739/TORCH-1077D (part of the Torch collection)
A comprehensive, complete commentary of the letter of James in the New Testament, from the Good News Bible, as it should apply to today's world.

Bad Girls of the Bible, and What We Can Learn from Them (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Liz Curtis Higgs
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Humour
Read by: Hazel Steiner
Approximate time: 7 hours 31 minutes
Catalog number: 983
In Bad Girls of the Bible, author Liz Curtis Higgs offers a clear-sighted, life-changing approach to understanding those other women in Scripture -- such as Delilah, Jezebel, Rahab, Lot's wife, and others. Liz combines a contemporary retelling of their stories with a solid, verse-by-verse study of their lives and the lessons we can learn from them. Whether they were Bad to the Bone, Bad for a Moment, or Bad for a Season but Not Forever, these infamous sisters show us how not to handle the challenges of life. With her trademark humor and heartfelt encouragement, Liz Curtis Higgs teaches us how to avoid their tragic mistakes and joyfully embrace God's grace. An American reading of ADB974.

Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Joyce Meyer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Apologetics, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 4 hours 35 minutes
Catalog number: 988
Learn how God's grace can help you heal from emotional wounds and abuse in this spiritually uplifting guide to living a beautiful, healing, and fulfilling life. Many people seem to have it all together outwardly, but inside they are a wreck. Their past has broken, crushed, and wounded them inwardly. They can be healed. God has a plan, and Isaiah 61 reveals that the Lord came to heal the brokenhearted. He wants to heal victims of abuse and emotional wounding. Joyce Meyer is a victim of the physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse she suffered as a child. Yet today she has a nationwide ministry of emotional healing to others like herself. In Beauty for Ashes she outlines major truths that brought healing in her life and describes how other victims of abuse can also experience God's healing in their lives. You will learn: How to Deal with the Emotional Pain of Abuse How to Understand Your Responsibility to God for Overcoming Abuse Why Victims of Abuse Often Suffer from Other Addictive Behaviors How to Grab Hold of God's Unconditional Love The Importance of God's Timing in Working Through Painful Memories.

The Beauty of Spiritual Language: My Journey Toward the Heart of God (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Jack W. Hayford
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Doctrine and Theology, Prayer
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 8 hours 45 minutes
Catalog number: 667
There are few other topics on which Christians are so divided. And a large majority of believers are unclear about what spiritual language really means. This is a balanced, biblical approach for anyone wanting to make an honest inquiry into the nature of speaking in tongues. Hayford debunks common myths surrounding the practice of tongues and shares with readers the beauty and the order of spiritual language that he has discovered during his times of private communion with God.

The Best in Life, Selections from the Ministry of A. Lindsay Glegg (Audio DAISY Book)

By: J L Fear
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Apologetics, Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Doctrine and Theology, Ethics and Morality, Study
Read by: Russell Williams
Approximate time: 4 hours 23 minutes
Catalog number: 831/TORCH-2134D (part of the Torch collection)
12 selected sermons of A. Lindsay Glegg.

Bible Characters and Doctrines: Joseph to Moses, God in His World (Audio DAISY Book)

By: E. M. Blaiklock and Arthur E. Campbell
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Doctrine and Theology, New Testament, Old Testament
Read by: Pat Clark
Approximate time: 6 hours 13 minutes
Catalog number: 933/TORCH-1803D (part of the Torch collection)
This book provides studies of the major personalities and doctrines of the Bible. It could be used for daily Bible study.

Broken Signposts, How Christianity Makes Sense of the World (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Tom Wright
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Study
Read by: Niall Evans
Approximate time: 5 hours 46 minutes
Catalog number: 1060/TORCH-9679D (part of the Torch collection)
In this deeply insightful extended meditation on the Gospel of John, Tom Wright shows how Christianity points us to a compelling explanation for the world, and for our role and responsibility within it.

Called to Pray: How to Be a Prayer Warrior (Audio DAISY Book)

By: DR. Wim Malgo
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Bible Commentary, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Doctrine and Theology, Prayer
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 2 hours 50 minutes
Catalog number: 671
What is the reason that prayer is important? How do we effectively pray, not only for ourselves and our families, but for the rest of the things that concern us? Dr Wim Malgo gives clear biblical direction, showing the victory wrought through prayer.

The Coming King (Audio DAISY Book)

By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, End Times and Prophecy, Prophets and Prophecy, Study
Read by: Douglas Cambridge
Approximate time: 5 hours 46 minutes
Catalog number: 902/TORCH-2492D (part of the Torch collection)
Rather than attempt to unravel the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, Tozer draws practical applications for today, challenging his readers to be prepared for the day when Jesus will return victoriously to earth. This book includes Bible readings.

The Cost of Discipleship (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship
Read by: Ann Barraclough
Approximate time: 12 hours 36 minutes
Catalog number: 1073/TORCH-7876D (part of the Torch collection)
This book focuses on the most treasured part of Christ's teaching, the Sermon on the Mount. This Christian classic written against the background of Nazi Germany still continues to speak powerfully in our current time.


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