Browsing Titles 11 to 20 of 74 in Teachings
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God's Plan of Salvation (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Denny Kenaston
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Doctrine and Theology, Evangelism
Approximate time: 5 hours 7 minutes
Catalog number: 525
God had His plan of salvation in place before this world was created. As a lengthy proclamation of the doctrine of salvation, this teaching set covers a twofold purpose in its presentation. The teaching applies to a seeking soul who needs to understand how to be saved. It is also instructional for soul winners, who want a clearer understanding of how to lead a soul to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Godly Courtship (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Denny Kenaston
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Commitment, Marriage and Family
Approximate time: 5 hours 31 minutes
Catalog number: 500
Godly courtship can enable a Christian couple to avoid the pitfalls of physical and emotional temptations that lead away from a vital and committed relationship with Christ. Brother Denny Kenaston teaches the biblical principles that form the foundation of a godly courtship.
These messages promote the high standards of keeping one's heart for a future spouse and preparing for marriage.
A question and answer session for young men and women and two stirring testimonies are included.
The Heartbeat of the Remnant (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Denny Kenaston and Mose Stoltzfus
Type: Teaching
Subject category: Christian Living
Approximate time: 8 hours 19 minutes
Catalog number: 519
There are many today who are turning back to wholehearted Christianity. Mose and Denny look at the characteristics of God's people.
Live Happier (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: C. Elijah Bronner
Type: Teaching
Subject category: Christian Living
Approximate time: 1 hour 27 minutes
Catalog number: 498
Do you have trouble living a joy-filled life? God wants you to be filled with His joy, not just for the mountaintop moments but as a way of life. This teaching is a practical guide to living in the joy of the Lord.
Live Healthier (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: C. Elijah Bronner
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Living
Approximate time: 1 hour 38 minutes
Catalog number: 499
Each of us only has one body in which to live during this mortal life. God tells us that this body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This teaching is designed to help us learn to live healthier.
The Making of Disciples (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Dale Gish
Type: Teaching
Subject category: Discipleship
Approximate time: 4 hours 15 minutes
Catalog number: 330
After laying a foundation of the need and call to discipleship, this series of sermons challenges leaders to be an example to those whom they disciple.
Many practical applications are given to aid church leaders, husbands, and fathers in discipling their churches and families.
Pastor Chuck's Most Requested (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Chuck Smith
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, End Times and Prophecy, Evangelism
Approximate time: 7 hours
Catalog number: 325
Titles from this series cover such topics as prayer, faith, doubt, the new birth and more. As the title indicates, this series is a collection of the most requested messages from The Word for Today taught by Pastor Chuck Smith.
Peace in the Storm (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Nathaniel Bronner
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort
Approximate time: 10 hours 4 minutes
Catalog number: 990
"God is going to throw some storms at us to strengthen us no matter who we are. It is up to us to learn and grow from each one that comes our way." We all go through storms in life, but the Lord provides peace in the midst of the storms. Pastor Bronner presents various topics using peace in the storm as an acrostic for his message topics in this series.
The Plagues of Egypt (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: Nathaniel Bronner
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Bible Characters, Christian Growth, Christian Living
Approximate time: 9 hours 26 minutes
Catalog number: 493
Pastor Bronner teaches lessons we can learn as we study the plagues of Egypt. While we are familiar with the ten plagues, we also see some plagues that hampered God's people and may hamper us today if we are not living in the victory given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Purpose, Time, Change (Audio DAISY Teaching)
By: C. Elijah Bronner
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Approximate time: 2 hours 3 minutes
Catalog number: 501
Setting goals and having a positive attitude gives purpose to our lives. God gives you this time to do the work He has given you to do. Today is the only time you have right now. When you change and improve your attitude you add value both to yourself and others. This teacher weaves together the elements of purpose, time and change.
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