Browsing Titles 1 to 10 of 55 in Subject Category Discipleship

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Andrew, the First Disciple (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Veronica Zundel
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Study, Discipleship, Jesus Christ, Study
Read by: Mabel Coultrip
Approximate time: 41 minutes
Catalog number: 910/TORCH-1199D (part of the Torch collection)
Andrew is Peter's brother: that is all most of us know. These pages will help you discover a quiet seeker after the truth, a loyal friend greatly concerned with people, willing to stay in the background, yet happy to obey his Master, whatever the cost.

Be Filled Now (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Roy Hession
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Commitment, Devotional, Discipleship, Father God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ
Read by: Zelda Miller
Approximate time: 1 hour 49 minutes
Catalog number: 722/TORCH-1070D (part of the Torch collection)
A vital subject for Christians - our need for a continuing walk in the Spirit.

Call to Discipleship (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Juan Carlos Ortiz and Jamie Buckingham
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 38 minutes
Catalog number: 989
The book thousands have been waiting for. Juan Carlos Ortiz was a pastor of a prosperous and growing congregation in Buenos Aires. But one day he came face to face with the fact that his church wasn't growing at all, it was only getting fat. This stark realization shook the foundation of the author's world and produced a breathtaking sequence of events. His church became a laboratory where people experimented with long neglected biblical principles and came up with startling results.

A Call to Holiness (Audio DAISY Teaching)

By: Jerry Mawhorr
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Discipleship
Approximate time: 5 hours 49 minutes
Catalog number: 522
Many Christians replace holy living with legalism. Other Christians replace holy living with fake or cheap grace. What God desires and requires is the holy living that is guided and empowered by His Holy Spirit. This holy living is experienced as we walk in the Holy Spirit and live in the true grace of God. This teaching set provides warnings given on the consequences of sin and of living after the flesh. We are also given an Exhortation to a holy, sanctified life. Jerry Mawhorr calls for personal revival in the life of every believer.

Celebration of Discipline: the path to spiritual Growth (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Richard J. Foster
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship
Read by: Donald Pate
Approximate time: 8 hours 44 minutes
Catalog number: 877/TORCH-1814D (part of the Torch collection)
Rarely are people encouraged to read books that provide a detailed look at Christian disciplines. This book provides a profound and richly rewarding study of the classical Disciplines of the spiritual life. A mine of spiritual wisdom, psychological insight, common sense and gentle humour.

The Centrality of Christ (Audio DAISY Teaching)

By: Denny Kenaston and Mose Stoltzfus
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Discipleship
Approximate time: 8 hours 20 minutes
Catalog number: 518
There are many issues that come to the forefront when a believer gets back to the Bible. However, if a heart for Christ is not central to all these issues then shipwreck is ahead. Christ is central in all of these themes studied in these talks.

China Cry (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Nora Lam and Irene Burk Harrell
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Discipleship, Missions and Missionaries, Suffering and Persecution, Suspense
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 7 hours 1 minute
Catalog number: 32
Growing up in Shanghai in 1941, little Sung Neng Yee, now known as Nora Lam lived like a princess until the bombs dropped and Japanese soldiers seized her family home. Years later, threatened by the Communist regime that now envelops her country, Nora cries to God for salvation and miracles follow. This is a heroic account of one woman's courage, determination, and faith in God as she escapes communist China.

Christ in Early Anabaptism (Audio DAISY Teaching)

By: Denny Kenaston
Type: Teaching
Subject categories: Christian Living, Commitment, Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, Historical, Suffering and Persecution
Approximate time: 9 hours 17 minutes
Catalog number: 288
On a cold winter night in 1525, the Spirit of God descended upon a group of twelve brethren in Switzerland and sparked what has since been called the Anabaptist Movement. Looking back at the lives of the men and women in the early days of this revival, we see a passion, a power, a depth of Christian experience that far surpasses that of American Christianity today. What drove them? What set them apart? What was the source of their power; a power that through martyrdom defied even death itself? In this series, Brother Denny attempts to answer these questions and others, always coming back to our Lord Jesus, who was their very life.

The Christ Life (Audio DAISY Book)

By: A. B. Simpson
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship, Jesus Christ
Read by: Louis Duke
Approximate time: 2 hours 28 minutes
Catalog number: 463
How do you live as a Christian as you encounter the perplexities of Life? A. B. Simpson, the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, provides a guide to one living the type of life that Christ would want us to live.

The Cost of Discipleship (Audio DAISY Book)

By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Discipleship
Read by: Ann Barraclough
Approximate time: 12 hours 36 minutes
Catalog number: 1073/TORCH-7876D (part of the Torch collection)
This book focuses on the most treasured part of Christ's teaching, the Sermon on the Mount. This Christian classic written against the background of Nazi Germany still continues to speak powerfully in our current time.


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