Browsing Titles 1 to 10 of 290 in Subject Category Christian Growth
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Act It Out - the Letter of James, Today's Good News (Audio DAISY Book)
By: David Field
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living
Read by: Jill Wightwick
Approximate time: 3 hours 27 minutes
Catalog number: 739/TORCH-1077D (part of the Torch collection)
A comprehensive, complete commentary of the letter of James in the New Testament, from the Good News Bible, as it should apply to today's world.
Always, Couples Share Stories About Difficult Marriages (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Betsy Holt and Mike Yorkey
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Marriage and Family
Read by: Alice Henderson
Approximate time: 7 hours 35 minutes
Catalog number: 1048
Every couple, newlywed or married for years, desires a marriage that will last. Journey with real life couples as they share their personal stories and how they faced such challenges as illness and infidelity, to financial struggles and personal setbacks. These encouraging stories will prove that even during the hard times, you can be brought closer to each other and to God.
Angel Unaware (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Dale Evans Rogers
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Marriage and Family
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 1 hour 41 minutes
Catalog number: 345
Entertainers Roy and Dale Evans Rogers were thrilled when their little daughter Robin was born. But their excitement turned to concern when they were informed that Robin was born with Down's Syndrome and advised to put her away. The Rogers ignored such talk and instead kept Robin, and she graced their home for two and a half years. Though Robin's time on earth was short, she changed her parents' lives and even made life better for other children born with special needs in the years to come. Angel Unaware is Robin's account of her life as she looks down from heaven. As she speaks to God about the mission of love she just completed on earth, the reader sees how she brought her parents closer to God and encouraged them to help other children in need.
Anna's Family (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Christine Hunter
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Novel
Read by: Joy Pouncy
Approximate time: 8 hours 17 minutes
Catalog number: 736/TORCH-1071D (part of the Torch collection)
Anna must make a new life for her family in England after her husband's death.
Another Day Another Miracle (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Ceil McCleod
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Commitment
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 3 hours 51 minutes
Catalog number: 11
Peering into God's looking glass, the author discovers that, though she has lived a life she considered to be in service to God, she needed to give her whole heart into his tender keeping.
Another Door Opens (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Valerie Hadert
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Comfort, Humour
Read by: Audrey Johnston
Approximate time: 5 hours 6 minutes
Catalog number: 731/TORCH-1148D (part of the Torch collection)
An ordinary young woman who, armed with the grace of God, faces multiple sclerosis with wit, courage and style!
Answers to Praise (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Merlin R. Carothers
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 4 hours 56 minutes
Catalog number: 267
The author answers letters he received in response to his books, Prison to Praise and Power in Praise. These letters demonstrate the practical applications made by his readers, appreciations of thanks by his readers and the help these books provided.
Appointment in Jerusalem (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Lydia Prince and Derek Prince
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Biography and Autobiography, Christian Growth, Commitment
Read by: Martha Arney
Approximate time: 6 hours 33 minutes
Catalog number: 12
The riveting true story of a young schoolteacher and her courageous quest to know God's will for her life. She discovers how God can remarkably use those who trust Him!
As a Tree Grows (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Weldon Phillip Keller
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Commitment, Devotional
Read by: Mearl Judy
Approximate time: 1 hour 49 minutes
Catalog number: 628
Weldon Phillip Keller likens the spiritual advancement of an individual to the growth of majestic trees that we see around us--and draws some striking parallels. God's principles of development remain constant wherever they are found in His creation. It behooves us to take notice of the examples he has set up for our observation and edification.
Bad Girls of the Bible, and What We Can Learn from Them (Audio DAISY Book)
By: Liz Curtis Higgs
Type: Fiction
Subject categories: Bible Study, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Ethics and Morality, Study
Read by: Margaret Lauritzen
Approximate time: 11 hours 5 minutes
Catalog number: 974/TORCH-4957D (part of the Torch collection)
A clear-sighted, life-changing approach to understanding those "other women" in Scripture. Liz combines a contemporary retelling of their stories with a solid, verse-by-verse study of their lives and the lessons we can learn from them.
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