Browsing Titles 1 to 10 of 11 by A. W. Tozer
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The Coming King (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Bible Commentary, Bible Study, End Times and Prophecy, Prophets and Prophecy, Study
Read by: Douglas Cambridge
Approximate time: 5 hours 46 minutes
Catalog number: 902/TORCH-2492D (part of the Torch collection)
Rather than attempt to unravel the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, Tozer draws practical applications for today, challenging his readers to be prepared for the day when Jesus will return victoriously to earth. This book includes Bible readings.
The Counselor, Straight Talk about the Holy Spirit from a 20th Century Prophet (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, Holy Spirit
Read by: Louis Duke
Approximate time: 4 hours 18 minutes
Catalog number: 471
"In this volume the author explains how to develop your relationship with the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit." As you read this book, you will learn the nature of the Holy Spirit, how He works and what the Holy Spirit desires.
The Divine Conquest (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Apologetics, Bible Commentary, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Christian Living, Commitment, Doctrine and Theology
Read by: Douglas Cambridge
Approximate time: 4 hours 46 minutes
Catalog number: 835/TORCH-2071D (part of the Torch collection)
God's answer to our need.
Faith Beyond Reason: Ten Sermons from John's Gospel (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Sermons and Preaching, Study
Read by: Douglas Cambridge
Approximate time: 6 hours 1 minute
Catalog number: 840/TORCH-11D (part of the Torch collection)
In these ten sermons from John's Gospel. The author insists upon a faith that soars beyond reason to rest upon the character of God.
God Tells the Man Who Cares (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Commitment, Discipleship
Read by: Volunteer Narrator
Approximate time: 5 hours 38 minutes
Catalog number: 71
The chapters in this book are messages of concern, warning, exhortation and hope for the church. One who senses a call to Christian ministry and service may find encouragement and inspiration from the insights given by Tozer.
I Talk Back to the Devil (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Apologetics, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Doctrine and Theology, Study
Read by: Russell Williams
Approximate time: 3 hours 58 minutes
Catalog number: 843/TORCH-2008D (part of the Torch collection)
Essays in spiritual perfection.
That Incredible Christian (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Discipleship
Read by: Allison Marquez
Approximate time: 4 hours 12 minutes
Catalog number: 372
While A. W. Tozer wanted to introduce sinners to the Savior, he thought it equally important to help Christians grow in their faith. He longed for them to see the greatness of God and to experience, through surrender to and faith in Him, a life of victory and joy. These essays by Tozer, compiled by Anita M. Bailey, are presented to accomplish this purpose.
The Tozer Pulpit, Ten Messages on the Holy Spirit - Vol 2 (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Apologetics, Bible Study, Christian Disciplines, Christian Growth, Doctrine and Theology, Holy Spirit, Study
Read by: A. G. Pouncy
Approximate time: 5 hours 36 minutes
Catalog number: 829/TORCH-1915D (part of the Torch collection)
The Warfare of the Spirit (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Christian Growth, Christian Living
Read by: Louis Duke
Approximate time: 3 hours 54 minutes
Catalog number: 464
The warfare of the Spirit not only involves warfare against principalities and powers, but it also involves combating complacency and shallow devotion on the part of the Christian. There are many obstacles to living the spirit-filled life. The author explores many of these obstacles and presents spiritual formulas for overcoming them.
When He Is Come (Audio DAISY Book)
By: A. W. Tozer
Type: Non-fiction
Subject categories: Discipleship, Doctrine and Theology, The Church
Read by: Shawn Gillogly
Approximate time: 3 hours 38 minutes
Catalog number: 472
In every generation the Church needs a reviving work of the Holy Spirit. Without such revival, the church becomes cold, formalized and falsely religious. Tozer realizes this need for revival and gives guidelines for having spiritual discernment while maintaining openness to the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
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